Opti-Coat Pro - Warranty Pack
Opti-Coat Pro - Warranty Pack
Opti-Coat Pro is a ceramic clear coating warrantied for up to 5 years with superior resistance to scratching (9H) which means less scratches over time, chemical etching which means prevents chemical damage to clearcoat , fading due to UV which means the paint system looks vibrant and new, and provides outstanding release properties which means less dirt sticks to the coated surfaces.
The Opti-Coat Pro pre-polymer cross links, and forms a continuous protective film on the painted surface it is applied to, similar to a single component isocyanate that forms a clear coat finish with much better properties than the factory clearcoat as described above. Opti-Coat Pro has better chemical resistance than any other automotive paint coating in use which means no damage from the environmental chemicals, better scratch & mar resistance than any other automotive paint coating which means reduced scratching and marring, and better release properties than any other automotive paint coating in use which means less dirt build up between washes.
It provides permanent protection for all modern factory paints and can also be used to protect metal and hard plastic surfaces. This is the warranty package for professional installers and includes 2 oz. Opti-Coat Primer. The application includes at a minimum, washing, decontamination, polishing with Primer Polish, installation of the coating on all painted surfaces and registration of the warranty. See warranty terms and conditions here: http://opticoat.com/page/warranty-terms