Opti-Coat Pro Plus - Warranty Pack
Opti-Coat Pro Plus - Warranty Pack
Professional Product
Pro Plus benefits include:
- Higher Gloss
- Additional scratch resistance
- Greater water and dirt repellent
- More protective properties and durability
- The formula is not affected by cleaning chemicals!
- Pro Plus requires twice as much product per car. Therefore, the Opti-Coat Pro Plus packs will include 15 cc of Opti-Coat Pro and 10 cc of the Pro Plus in every warranty box.
- What you need to know:
- Pro Plus should be applied over Opti-Coat Pro within 30-45 minutes of Pro application. This will make the application much easier and will maximize bonding.
- Wait till 75-80% of the Pro Plus crosslinks and goes clear, then wipe off the excess. The crosslinking of the Pro Plus will be much faster, therefore you will need to wipe off excess fairly quickly.
- As your towel saturates, you will want to switch to a new towel.
The application includes at a minimum, washing, decontamination, polishing with Primer Polish, installation of the coating on all painted surfaces and registration of the warranty.

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